Wednesday 13 February 2019

Female Infertility Help to get pregnant + Increase your chances of getting pregnant

Female Infertility Help to get pregnant + Increase your chances of getting pregnant What is Female Infertility? Infertility is a condition defined as not being able to become pregnant after at least one year of unprotected, regular, well-timed intercourse. Women who suffer from multiple miscarriages may also be diagnosed as infertile. Infertility may be classified into two groups, primary and secondary infertility. Primary infertility means that you and partner have never had a child. Secondary infertility means that the infertile person has had one or more children in the past, but a medical, emotional or physical condition is now hampering fertility. Many women may be infertile during their reproductive years but be completely unaware of this. Factors such as age, lifestyle and physical condition contribute considerably to fertility problems. Your chance of getting pregnant is only, on average, one percent, on any given occasion! However, this varies from woman to woman with some falling pregnant more easily than others. It also varies according to when sex takes place in the woman’s menstrual cycle. Some times of the month are more favorable to conception than others. Statistically speaking, it has been estimated that approximately one in seven couples in the United States are infertile. Conception can be quite confusing to understand. In order to become pregnant, a woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries. This egg must enter the fallopian tube and head towards the uterus. The sperm must then penetrate and fertilize the egg along the way. The fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus so that implantation can occur. Any interference that occurs during this fertilization process may bring about infertility. The first step to detect whether you may be infertile is to track your ovulation. This may be done by recording changes in your morning body temperature (basal body temperature) for several months, recording the texture of your cervical mucus and making use of a home ovulation test kit. Experiencing infertility is emotionally painful for women. Feelings of frustration, guilt, anger, anxiety, depression and confusion may dominate your daily life. For this reason, it is important that you together with your partner find ways to cope with the ups and downs of infertility. Diagnosing Female Infertility The diagnosis of infertility in women is based on the physical symptoms as well as sexual history. It is also very important that a woman tracks her ovulation at home by recording her basal body temperature for several months, checking the texture of cervical mucus and using a home ovulation test kit. *Additional tests to determine infertility *Blood tests *Ultrasound of the ovaries *Hysterosalpingography to check for physical problems of the uterus and fallopian tubes *Laparoscopy to check the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus for disease and physical problems What Causes Female Infertility? Health problems that cause hormonal changes: There are some health issues that may also increase the risk of infertility. Women who suffer from irregular periods or no menstrual periods, painful periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids or more than one miscarriage should consult their gynecologist or obstetrician. Hypothyroidism: Many women that are diagnosed with hypothyroidism find it very hard to get pregnant due to irregular menstruations and the lack of ovulation. Hyperthyroidism: Just like hypothyroidism, the lack of releasing an egg while suffering with hyperthyroidism may make it impossible for a women to get pregnant. Alcohol: Regular drinking of alcohol can affect fertility. Drinking large amounts of alcohol regularly may cause menstrual cycles to be irregular, increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects in the baby. Anemia: Anemia is a condition in which the blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells, which provide oxygen to body tissues. The most common form of anemia is iron deficient anemia, which has been linked to infertility. Iron deficiency is twice as likely to create ovulatory dysfunction in women of child-bearing years. Blocked Fallopian Tubes: A blocked fallopian tube rarely causes any symptoms besides infertility. When a fallopian tube is blocked, the egg cannot reach the uterus and therefore cannot reach the sperm, preventing pregnancy. Candida: Candida albicans is a natural fungus in the body; it is the cause for yeast infections in the mouth and genital areas. Though this fungus doesn’t cause any problems normally, sometimes when the fungus becomes imbalanced it can cause diseases in the vaginal tract, thus causing infertility. Ovulation problems: are the primary cause of female infertility. If ovulation does not occur, no eggs may be fertilized. However, there are also many contributing factors that can affect a woman’s ability to have a baby. Age: Fertility peaks for both men and women in their mid-twenties. Most healthy women under the age of 30 generally do not have to be concerned about infertility unless they have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. If much time has passed, women should consult their obstetrician or gynecologist for a fertility evaluation. Infertility increases with age. Women in their 30's who have been trying to get pregnant for six months should consult with their doctor. For a woman over the age of 35, conceiving may become a problem. Weight: Maintaining a healthy body weight is vital for fertility. Being overweight or obese combined with a lack of exercise leads to excessive fat deposition which may cause ovulation problems, resulting in infertility. A low body weight and chronic dieting are also associated with amenorrhea or loss of menstrual cycles, making it difficult for ovulation to occur. Stress: High stress levels may interfere with ovulation and the body’s ability to conceive. When planning to fall pregnant, women should learn to manage their stress through relaxation techniques. Smoking: Smoking may affect your ability to fall pregnant. Women run the risk of developing cervical and tube problems, abnormal menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalances and when they do eventually become pregnant, an ectopic pregnancy may result. Generally, smokers take longer to conceive than non-smoking women. Poor diet: Eating properly plays an important role in your body’s fertility. A balanced diet of low-fat foods packed with healthy nutrients helps to regulate hormones and nourish your reproductive system. Avoid large quantities of sugary foods and caffeine as they have been associated with infertility. Athletic training: Female athletes are often predisposed to conditions such as amenorrhea, eating disorders and osteoporosis. The female reproductive function is affected by the negative energy balance that results from disordered eating coupled with high training loads. Psychological stress and low body fat content can also be contributing factors that lead to an absence of menstruation and ovulation, resulting in infertility. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): Infertility can sometimes be the result of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infection. If you are planning on becoming pregnant, get tested for sexually transmitted diseases to prevent further fertility problems or spread of the disease. Help for Female Infertility Once infertility has been diagnosed, there are a number of treatment options available depending on the root cause of the problem. These treatments are costly and generally based on the preference of both partners Conventional Medicine Infertility in women may be treated with fertility drugs, surgery, artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology – however many of these treatment options may have negative side effects like premenstrual symptoms such as nausea, headaches and weight gain. In addition, fertility treatments have also been known to increase a woman’s chance of having twins, triplets or other multiples. The most common fertility drugs are Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) and Gonadotropin-releasing hormone products which trigger the ovaries to release eggs. Your doctor may recommend surgery if your fallopian tubes are blocked or there are any anatomical defects. Surgery is also helpful if endometriosis, fibroids or ovarian cysts need to be removed. Artificial insemination refers to a range of techniques in which the man's sperm is placed into the woman's genital tract artificially. Placing the sperm in the neck of the cervix is known as intra-cervical insemination. When sperm is introduced directly into the uterus itself, this is known as intrauterine insemination, IUI. Assisted reproductive technology, ART refers to the various methods used to help infertile couples. It entails the removal of eggs from a woman’s body, then combining them with sperm in the laboratory and placing the embryos back into the body. The different types of assisted reproductive technology include In vitrofertilization, IVF, zygote intra-fallopian transfer, ZIFT or tubal-embryo transfer, gamete intra-fallopian transfer, GIFT and intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI. Other methods of ART also include donor eggs and embryos or gestational carriers more commonly known as surrogate mothers. In vitro fertilization is the most popular and effective ART, with fertilization occurring outside the body. It is often used when a womanexperiences ovulation problems or when her fallopian tubes are blocked. Foods to Increase the Chances of Fertility Research has shown that saying "goodbye" to some foods while saying "hello" to others may increase your chances of getting pregnant. Eating a well- balanced diet is important for increasing fertility; this includes eating protein packed vegetables like beans. Beans are a great source of protein, especially white, kidney, navy, black and lima beans. Other protein filled veggies are spinach, chickpeas, peas and lentils. Another must in the fertility food-chain is carbohydrates, but not just any carbohydrate. Fertility increasing carbs consist of those that are low on the glycemic index. Low glycemic foods such as brown rice and wheat bread are substitutes for "white" carbs, (white bread, and white rice) which contain sugar and triggers PCOS- a major cause of infertility in women. Women who are trying to become pregnant should be eating iron-rich foods. Iron-rich foods and supplements can prevent ovulation problems and fortify your diet. On top on beans, add lean meats and leafy green vegetables to get the iron your body needs. In addition, dried fruits like prunes, apricots, raisins and dates are great sources of iron. NOTE: It is important to speak to your doctor before starting a new diet regimen. How to Increase the Chances of Conception If you have been struggling to fall pregnant, there are some useful tips that may help to increase your chances of conceiving and prevent miscarriages. Follow a healthy, balanced diet by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as foods that are rich in iron, calcium and folate, essential for reproductive health Maintain a healthy weight as being overweight or underweight can affect the body’s hormone levels which in turn makes conception difficult Healthy weight loss can increase chances of getting pregnant; however, too much weight loss can affect a healthy pregnancy Regular exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling will help keep you fit and active before and during your pregnancy. It will also help get you back into shape after the pregnancy Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine as this can make you less fertile Stop smoking to increase your chance of falling pregnant and your partner’s sperm quality and try to naturally detox and cleanse your system Increase your intake of folic acid, iron and calcium by taking supplements Monitor your basal body temperature to determine the most likely time of ovulation and plan sexual activity Reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques such as acupuncture, visualization or meditation, or listen to calming music with guided imagery Manage negative emotions during the pre-conception process by gaining support from your partner, family and friends Join a support group or attend counseling services to help you to deal with depression, anger or guilt Natural Home Remedy for Female Infertility Psychological factors like emotional stress, tension, mental depression, anxiety, and fear may also result in psychosomatic sterility. This condition is generally temporary and can be corrected by psychotherapy. Female infertility may be due to physical defects, physical debility, and functional faults. Sterility due to physical debility can result from poor health as a consequence of certain acute or chronic diseases. Complaints like gonorrhoea, syphilis, and inflammation of the fallopian tubes also come under this category. Chronic anemia, constipation, and leucorrhoea aggravate these conditions. Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction, or a decrease in their functions. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are other factors which call contribute to female infertility. Female infertility treatment using Banyan Roots The tender roots of the banyan tree are one of the valuable remedies found beneficial in the treatment of female sterility where there are no organic defect or congenital deformities. These roots should be dried in the shade and finely powdered. About twenty grams of this powder should be mixed with milk, which should be five times the weight of this powder, and taken at night for three consecutive nights after the monthly periods are over. When this remedy is administered, no other food should be eaten for a short while thereafter. This remedy should be repeated after the completion of the menstrual cycle every month till conception takes place. Female sterility treatment using Jambul Leaves(ಜಂಬು ನೇರಳೆ ಎಲೆ) An infusion of the fresh tender leaves (ಹುಣಸೆ ಚಿಗುರು )of black berry fruit(ಹಿಪ್ಪನೇರಳೆ ಹಣ್ಣು) is an excellent remedy for sterility or miscarriage due to an ovarian or endometrium functional disorder. The infusion can be prepared by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 20 gm of fresh black berry leaves, and allowing it to steep for two hours. The infusion may be taken with either two teaspoons of honey or 200 ml of buttermilk. Female infertility treatment using Winter Cherry The herb winter cherry is another valuable remedy found helpful in sterility. The herb should be powdered and six grams of this powder should be taken with one cup of milk for five to six nights after menstruation. Female sterility treatment using Nutrients Certain nutrients, especially vitamins C and E, and zinc, have been found helpful in some cases of sterility. A woman who is unable to conceive should take 1000 mg of vitamin C, 100 I.U. of vitamin E and 30 mg of zinc daily. Seeds, nuts, curd and cottage cheese. Physical debility and functional faults of organic nature can be cured by simple and effective methods of natural treatment, of which optimum nutrition is an essential part. Fasting: Fasting is the best remedy for the treatment of disorders resulting from toxins in the system. A fast of two or three days should be undertaken at regular intervals by women who are unable to bear children. You need to pray whole-heartedly. I saw some woman ,who are unable to bear children, fast regularly twice a week,pray to God and within couple of years they got blessed with children, even though they have been trying for 3 to 5 years. Diet is an important factor in the treatment of infertility. It should contain seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils, and honey. Curd and cottage cheese are also recommended. About seventy to eighty per cent of the diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked state, because cooking destroys much of the nutritional value of most foods. Sprouting is an excellent way of consuming seeds, beans, and grains in their raw form, as in the process of sprouting, the nutritional value is multiplied, new vitamins are created and the protein quality is improved. Eggs are very helpful in promoting conception in both men and women. Dates and raisins are very effective in curing sterility.Take 6 to 7 dates everyday.This enhances libido,strength and make the reproductive organs strong. Rice is better than wheat for sterile couples. Ghee is the only acceptable fat for sterile couple. After every meal, the sterile woman must take an areca nut(Supari).This is beneficial in increasing fertility. Food to be avoided: Excessive fat, spicy foods, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, flesh foods, greasy or fried foods should all be avoided. One Fact about Dates: Dates is one of the most ancient fruits.It is used in curing many diseases.Pregnant women are supposed to take dates for curing constipation and also it is used to cure infertility. Dates are rich in vitamin A,E,B,minerals and irons which an infertile woman needs a lot to get pregnant. ಭ್ಲಾಕ್ ಬೆರಿ ಹಣ್ಣು But there are different forms and types of dates. Not all types of dates are packed with vitamins,minerals and iron.Some types of dates are packed with only carbohydrate and fats. If you take those types of dates loaded with only carb and fat without any vitamins or minerals thinking that you will get pregnant some day then you will be wrong. So, choose the right type of dates and check its nutrition value before you take it . I heard that there is one type of dates available in Saudi Arabia. That type of dates looks small,dark in color and very sweet.They are very much rich in vitamins,minerals and iron. If an infertile woman takes those of dates for 30 days around 7 pieces per day then surely she will get pregnant.I don't know the truth ,I just heard from a source. Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Jamun Fruit (Black Plum) Surprising benefits of jamun Jamun or Black plum is an important summer fruit, associated with many health and medicinal benefits. The black plum is known to relieve stomach pain, carminative, anti-scorbutic and diuretic. Jamun vinegar is good to reduce enlargement of spleen, diarrhea, and who has urine retention problems. Jamum’s ployphenolic compounds are effective against cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma and arthritis. Various digestive disorders i.e. flatulence, bowel spasm, stomach disorders, dysentery are cured by jamun. It is also eaten as tonic to increase sexual activity. Jamun is known by different names such as jambul, jambas, jamun, jambolan, rajaman, kala jamun, neredu, naval, nerale, jamali, java plum, black plum and black berry.Benefits of Jamun - Black Plum Jamun for diabetes treatment The jamun fruit and jamun leaves are good for diabetes patient. The black plum has anti-diabetic features. Jamun helps to convert starch into energy and keep your blood sugar levels in check. In the summer season, the sugar patient should eat jamun regularly because of its low glycemic index. Jamun reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrusting. The extract of bark, seeds, and leaves are too beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. In a recent study in CDRI, Lucknow, India, it has been found that the dried alcoholic extract of the seeds are good to reduce the level of blood sugar. The decoction of the bark and powdered seed is good in the treatment of diabetes. The extract of the bark, seeds and leaves are good in decreased of sugar in urine (glycouria). Jamum and jamun seeds are hypoglycemic effects. Jamun seeds powder contains jamboline, a type of glucose, which helps to control the conversion of starch into sugar. Jamun for beauty and fair skin Jamun seeds are used as an effective agent to treat acne. First of all crush the jamun sees and mix cow milk to it. Apply the paste before going to bed and wash it in the morning. Regular application of these ingredients is helpful in curing and treating of acne. The problem of oily skin is controlled with the mix of jamun pulp, barley flour, amla juice and rose water. Use this mix as face mask and wash when it gets dry. To control dark spots from your face, the paste of jamun seed powder, lemon powder, gram flour, few drops of almond oil and rose water, is prepared. Apply it on your face and wash it when it dries off. Jamun cures leucoderma after stimulating the melanin. Jamun nutrition facts The black plum has many vital nutrients. The nutrition values and nutritional properties of jamun are as follow: The jamun fruit is loaded with sugars like glucose and fructose along with lesser calories. The 100 grams of the fruit contain nutrients: calcium (15 mg), iron (1.41 mg), magnesium (35 mg), phosphorous (15 mg), sodium (26.2 mg), vitamin C (18 mg), thiamine (0.019 mg), riboflavin (0.009 mg), niacin (0.245 mg), vitamin B6 (0.038 mg), calories (62 k cal), carbohydrate (14 gm), carotene (48 ug), folic acid (3 mg), fiber (0.6 gm), fat (0.23 gm), protein (0.995 gm), water (84.75 gm). Medicinal uses of Jamun One of the best medicinal benefits of jamun is its anti-diabetic properties. The black plum works against diabetes and convert sugar into energy. The Jamun fruit is good for digestive system because of its coolant features. Jambul is being having astringent properties, helps to prevents acne, blemishes, wrinkles and pimples. It is also good for blood due to more amount of iron. The presence of vitamin C is beneficial for fair skin complexion. Jamun is having many bio-chemical compounds, which includes flavonoids, essential oils, gallic acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, betulic acid, etc., which are beneficial in managing and treating of many diseases. Commercial uses of Jamun Colored jelly is made with black plum flash by adding a commercial jelly agent. The black plum squash is prepared with jamun juice. For making squash, other ingredients such as sugar, water, citric acid and sodium benzoate are used. Sodium benzoate is used for the purpose of preservation. Besides squash, jams and candies are also made from jamun. Vinegar is made from the unripe fruit while as excellent quality of wine is prepared from ripe jamun. Jamun to increase haemoglobin Jamun has adequate amount of iron and vitamin C. The presence of iron in the black plum is good to increase the haemoglobin count. Jamum iron content acts as blood purifying agent. Since, it is the medium of purifying your blood; therefore, it is good for skin and beauty. Iron content is beneficial in menses where the lady faces blood loss. People suffering from anemia and jaundice should take jamun because of its high iron content. Jamun for healthy heart Jamun is extremely beneficial to keep heart disease at bay. The black plum is laden with potassium. 100 gram of jamun contains about 55 mg of potassium. This sufficient amount of jamun is beneficial to diseases like heart, high blood pressure, and stroke. Regular eating of jamun helps to prevent hardening of arteries. Jamun leaves treat ulcers The eating of jamun leaves is good in treating of digestive related disorders. Chewing and eating of jamun leaves are good in treating of diarrhea and ulcers. Jamun leaves have great significance in ayurvedic medicine. Jamum is good in prevention of liver diseases such as necrosis and fibrosis. Due to presence of bio-chemical and phytochemical substance like polyphenol, the black plum acts like as anti-cancer substance. Jamun solves acidity when it is taken along with roasted cumin powder and black salt. Jamun for oral health The black plum leaves are antibacterial properties and are used for strengthening teeth and gum. The leaves are astringent, considered good for throat problems. The decoction of the bark is used to wash mouth and beneficial for mouth ulceration due to its astringent effect. It is good for mouth as well as for teeth due to its acidity. Gargling of its bark helps in prevention of gums bleeding (gingivitis). Jamun leaves powder, which is obtained after drying and burning it, used as teeth powder and helpful in checking gum infection and bleeding. Jamun juice benefits Jamun juice has many health and medicinal benefits. Being it a seasonal fruits, one should try to have more and more amount of Jamun juice during the month of June, July and August. Some of the amazing and surprising health benefits of jamun juice are given below. Drinking of Jamun juice is used to treat digestive disorders such as diarrhea, dysentery and dyspepsia. In case of diarrhea, jamun juice is beneficial after mixing little amount of sat in it. Jamun juice along with curd is good against digestive problems. Teeth related problems can be solved by applying jamun juice or by drinking it. Jamun juice is beneficial in treating of piles and hemorrhoids. Drinking of the fresh fruit juice helps in cough and asthma. Jamun juice enhances your immune system. It protects you from cold and acts as anti-aging agent. The juice of the fruits is given in spleen enlargement and urine retention. Jamun juice should be taken to overcome the problem of female sterility. Jamun precautions and side effects Road side jamun should be avoided as it may be contaminated from lead and heavy metals. Pregnant as well as breast feeding mother should avoid jamun. Since, jamun lowers blood sugar; therefore, one should not eat jamum before and after two weeks of surgery. Eating of jamun empty stomach should be avoided. Milk shouldn’t be taken after eating jamun. Eating of excess jamun leads to body ache and fever. Excessive eating of it is also not good for throat and chest. Heavy dose of jamun may cause cough and accumulation of sputum in the lungs. Jamun enhances vatta dosha, so people with high vatta should avoid it. -SANGRAHA


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